Ask Darling D: Sexy Snow Day

Dear Darling D, We’ve already gotten snow where I live (it’s not even winter). My [...]

The Top 5 Pros of Being Single

I spent most of my 20s single. Some people hate the idea of being single [...]


Compromise. It’s one of those words that’s a pillar in terms of relationship skills. It’s [...]

Top 5 Pros of Being in a Relationship

I talked before about how spending most of my 20s single was awesome, and how [...]

Put a Ring On It

WHAT TYPE OF RING ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE? Normally on this site, “putting a [...]

Ask Darling D: I Don’t Like My Partner’s Tattoo

Dear Darling D, I feel bad sending this question in, but I feel worse saying [...]

Couples Date Guide: Planes, Trains and Automobiles

The couples date series is a guide to organizing a day or event to keep [...]

Ask Darling D: I Have a Secret Relationship

Dear Darling D, I’ve been dating a guy for more than six months, but I [...]

Couples Date Guide: Sunrise/Sunset

The couples date series is a guide to organizing a day or event to keep [...]


There are some lovely B words in the English language. Beautiful. Bubble. Badass. Bejeweled. Bodacious. [...]