Couples Date Guide: Seasonal Dates

couple walking in a field
The couples date series is a guide to organizing a day or event to keep the passion alive between you and your partner. The date guide will walk you through how to setup the beginning and middle so you get the perfect ending.

The end of summer is rapidly approaching. And while that makes me sad, I also am very excited for fall – my favorite season! And when thinking about what kind of dates to plan with my man in the next three months, it made me think about this: SEASONAL DATES!

Seasonal dates can mean SO many things, and I’m talking about them in its generic sense. Without even thinking about any particularly relevant seasonal event, I love the idea of seasonal dates for a few reasons:

  1. Seasonal dates are timely and can’t be replicated at any other point of the year. That makes them more rare, and therefore more special! They’re something to look forward to.
  2. Since seasons have distinct associations (like pumpkin carving in the fall, strawberry picking in the summer), a date that combines a fun activity with a seasonal association is distinctly memorable (and make adorable pictures)!
  3. They’re YUMMY! Most of the ideas I think of with seasonal dates are food related (see ideas below). There is usually a delicious component to be had with a seasonal date!

How to Plan This Ahead

Since we’re talking about seasonal dates very generally, let’s outline this date idea with a few things to things you will want to keep in mind when you plan a seasonal date.


You can come up with lots of ideas for a seasonal date, depending on where you live and what is available. Here are some of my favorites:

  • FALL: pumpkin carving, apple picking, hiking to see the changing leaves, haunted attractions
  • WINTER: building a snowman, snow tubing, skiing, picking a Christmas tree if you celebrate (and all things hot chocolate)
  • SUMMER: strawberry picking, blueberry picking, fireworks
  • SPRING: painting Easter eggs

Brainstorm some other ideas with your S.O., your best friend, or someone creative in your life that can help you think of a great idea of a seasonal date to plan!

Day, date, time

When you plan your seasonal date, make sure you consider when you will go on it. If you plan on picking out pumpkins together, know that weekends will be most crowded because families will likely go when school is out. You may be down with that, and that’s great! Just know what you’re walking into. If you plan to pick out a Christmas tree, the later in the season you go the fewer options you will have. So, the day, date, and depending on the activity, the time all make a difference for the success of your date!

Required materials

This will obviously vary depending on your activity of choice. Pumpkin carving? Make sure you have the right carving tools (and maybe a baking pan to cook up those pumpkin seeds afterwards). Going on a hike to see the fall foliage? Check out this post to get the list of things to consider, including a potential picnic. The bottom line here is that whatever you do, make sure you think through all the things you may need and make sure you have them on the big date. You and your date don’t want to get to where you’re trying to go, only to realize the date idea can’t be fulfilled.

What else will make it special?

As always, this is my favorite part! In addition to the seasonal date idea, you can also add-on to one of the ideas. For example, if you go apple picking in the fall, why not go home and try your hands at baking an apple pie together? It may or may not be edible at the end, but how cute and romantic is that add-on to just apple picking? Sign me up! Or if you decide to paint Easter eggs, why not also plan a little egg hunt for your date, with sweet (or sexy) prizes inside? Seasonal date ideas carry enough weight on their own, but if you want to go the extra mile, see what else you can think of to add-on to the date idea and make it even better/longer!

Tis the Season!

When your seasonal date opportunity rolls around, and you plan it out, go and ENJOY! Remember, each season only comes around one time a year, so take advantage of it, your date, and be present. It will create wonderful memories and give you something to look forward to in another year!

How Does This Date End?

Well, that all depends on what you plan and how well you execute it! You can add sexy components to almost any seasonal date idea. Add some sweet physical touches during your date – hold hands through the strawberry patch, help your date reach up and grab apples off the tree, hold on tight as you snow tube down the hill. These dates are a great opportunity to flirt and be playful. And then together you can decide where to take it at the end!

Seasonal Dating Guide

Step-by-Step Guide for Planning a Seasonal Date

Here’s your condensed guide for how to plan a seasonal date!

  1. Brainstorm ideas available to you based on the season and where you live
  2. Choose one of your ideas
  3. Pick the best day and time to go on the date, knowing other people are doing similar activities around the same time
  4. Bring whatever materials you need for during the seasonal activity or what follows afterwards
  5. Decide what add-ons you can plan to make the date more special.

Have fun! And let me know what other ideas you have for a seasonal date by leaving a comment below! Happy dating 🙂